Middlebridge Shed
A Gauge 1 Micro Layout

Middlebridge Shed is actually still under early stages of construction. But the web address breaks from some legacy links if I place it in the correct section. Sorry!

Middlebridge Shed is a micro layout (just!). Based very approximately on Gosport Engine Shed, the layout comprises two shed roads, both turning into open roads, and two crossings between making a very small run-around loop including the shed.

The Shed was devised in order to have something for my Gauge 1 stock that doesn't require a round-trip to a suitable outdoor track. With some compromises, it is possible to put together something with both visual and operating interest.

Era and region are deliberately vague to give flexibility in what could be expected (although the American visitors may stretch the credibility a bit too far). Besides, in Gauge 1 the focus really should be on the models more than the scenery.

What is a micro layout?

I am a big fan of the The Micro Model Railway Dispatch. Many hours of reading and inspiration across many issues of a high-quality curated journal. Do check it out. Both MMRD and I have followed the collected works of Carl Arendt as a fan of micro layouts before he passed away and the continuation of his website by Gert Wierbos.

Micro layouts are small model railroads, usually less than three or four square feet in area that nonetheless have a clear purpose and excellent operating capability.” - Carl Arendt

Therefore with this definition, I developed Middlebridge Shed. Given Gauge 1 is a ridiculously large size to meet these criteria (with most bogie stock already well over 2 feet long individually), I applied the following corollaries which I believe maintain the layout as a micro:

  • The scenic area of the yard up to the shed entrance is precisely four square feet in area. Many other featured micro layouts exclude the fiddle yard; I have pushed this non-scenic area to nearly half of the overall layout area

  • The non-scenic area does have some scenic appeal (the side of the shed), therefore I have made the windows opaque - no trains are visible off-set!

  • The purpose is as an engine shed (prototypically) and showcase for Gauge 1 models (for the layout)

  • Operating capability of a full run-round loop is almost entirely contained in the scenic area.

I believe Middlebridge Shed may be the only Gauge 1 micro layout. If there are any other Gauge 1 standard gauge micro layouts then I'd love to know about them!